The Inner Workings of ADD, ADHD, and Dyslexia in the Brain.

Robert Gene on The Truth ADHD is a Survival Skill and NOT a disorder or disease.

While traditional treatments typically involve medication and therapy, alternative approaches such as eutaptics® FasterEFT, EMDR, Neurolinguistics Linguistics Programming (NLP), and Hypnosis have been gaining attention, thanks to their effectiveness in addressing the root cause of many health problems, including learning difficulties.

You may consider taking our Emotional Education for Children (EmotionalED™)

The first step in understanding ADHD, Dyslexia, and ADD is to acknowledge that they are not problems per se but coping mechanisms that stem from emotional conditioning, stress, fears, and anxieties. Addressing these root issues is essential to any meaningful neurological changes. This is where the genius work of Robert Gene comes in with his eutaptics® training. By identifying what the child's or adult's brain is using to create the difficulty to focus and to perform tasks. Knowing their actions, you can identify and reduce such negative emotional states.